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Wednesday 11 December 2019

ATEEZ's MAMA 2019 Performance - None of us saw this coming, not even BTS

By Yuli Atta
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Ateez's MAMA performance had us, Atiny, all shook. 

At first, when I found out that Ateez was going to do a mashup performance, I was slightly disappointed. It's been a whole year since their debut and they already have 3 minialbums and one full album out, so they definitely have enough songs for a full performance. Of course, it also depends on how long their time-slot is. It seems like BTS's performances are the longest which is understandable. They are the biggest K-pop act right now and it's understandable why newer bands would get a shorter time slot. However, Ateez has more than enough content for a performance consisting of only their songs. 

Saturday 7 December 2019


By Yuli Atta
(This was a practice piece written for one of my modules at university. We each had an adjective and had to write a character who is described by that adjective without actually naming it. Try to guess mine. The individual whose POV I chose is a real-life person whom I call the Eyebrows.)

It was late at night; the silence of the house was deafening. The only thing I could hear was everybody’s relaxed breathing and the dog’s occasional whimper in its sleep. My stomach growled. I turned on my bed trying to ignore it and go back to sleep and accidentally bumped into my sleeping wife. I didn’t apologise, she was fast asleep so why would she need an apology. My stomach growled again. This was so annoying; why would I get hungry in the middle of the night again. I grunted and got up. I opened and closed the door to our bedroom and could hear my son’s talking in his sleep. I went over to the kids’ room to check on him. Weird, the older one wasn’t there. My step-daughter? No, no, she was my daughter… Or was she really? After all I had adopted her only to make her mother stay with me longer. That bitch refused the first time I proposed but I knew she wouldn’t after she got pregnant. Who would want a kid outside of marriage after all? Certainly not me.

Friday 29 November 2019

BOOK REVIEW: Aurora Rising

Review by Yuli Atta 

It's been around a week since I finished this book and the one thing that I can't get out of my mind is the feeling this book left in me.

I can't even put it properly into words but enjoyment-wise this is a 4-star read but writing-wise it's a 3-star read and I've rated it 4 because I rate based on my enjoyment most of the time. So, now I've decided that my rating should be 3.5 stars and just round it to 4.

BOOK REVIEW: Shards of Earth by Adrian Tchaikovsky

  Purchase Links: Amazon UK  |  Amazon US  |  Bookshop.org  |  The Broken Binding  |  Waterstones Hi Guys, I'm following up my Spotlight...